I am sad, What can I do? How can I cope? Am I depressed?

I want to be happy; I use to be happy, but life knocked me down, relationship failed, dad sick, hate my job, just want to cry, and keep crying. I don’t have anything to be happy about.
I am sad, What can I do? How can I cope? Am I depressed?
Does this sound like you?
You can be happy again.
Here are ten things I have discovered that might help.
- Don’t measure your life with someone else’s ruler. You are the best person to be you.
- Perfection is overrated, do the best you can.
- There is always light and dark; it is a law of nature, keep breathing.
- Stop ignoring what is right for you and what is working for you. Trust your instinct
- Mistakes are not the end of the world; they can be a way to learn.
- Chasing happiness does not mean you can catch it.
- Your dreams begin with one step; take that first step.
- Control your reactions; you cannot control life.
- Don’t let the start stop you. Breath and take one step at a time.
- Some things on this list will not resonate with you or be right for you. Don’t worry, I have many more ideas where these came from!
Live life like there are no mistakes, no blunders, and no pitfalls. Do what excites you, life will continue. It is ok to be sad and it is ok not to be ok, please be gentle with yourself! If you are feeling ready to talk to someone, then I have the experience to support you while you work towards your best outcomes.
Do not hesitate to reach out if you want to talk about what is happening for you, I am available to work with you through this or any other challenge when you are ready. You can contact me, Tanya, on 0487844603 or via email on info@redcliffecounselling.au